I also have two Create Crate Add-On products available this month that are 30% off through the weekend. Scroll down to see my new kit Easy as Pie and my November 2017 CCM Templates (and grab an add-on extra discount coupon code as well.)

I have two Create Crate Add-on items on sale at 30% off this weekend as well (or 35% off if you subscribe to the collection). You can find Easy as Pie HERE and November 2017 CCM Templates HERE.Take an additional 10% off your purchase this weekend of any of my Create Crate Add-On products, with my coupon code: ka_ccmNov_10
I also created an extra template for you as a gift! Click on one of the links below to download the file type you prefer. Enjoy!

Thank you for the template!
Thank you for ALL of the gifts that you so generously share with your newsletter subscribers and blog followers. It is very much appreciated! Kait
Все Ваши наборы и шаблоны-прекрасны! Большое спасибо за все Ваши подарки!
I wish this template was available in page format. I can't use it but it is very nice.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you, Kristin!
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