Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Name this Kit!

I have a brand new kit that is coming just in time for Digital Scrapbooking Day! It will be available at my Scrap Orchard shop November 1st! It's a Thanksgiving/fall/feast theme. I really need help naming it! Leave a comment HERE on my blog with your name suggestion by 11:59 pm, October 26. I will choose my favorite name suggestion, and the winner will get the kit for free!

Good luck and thanks in advance for the naming help!

**Edited, this contest is closed! Thank you for all of your suggestions!**


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the whole thing.

My suggestion: "Happy Turkey"

Shinta Poulsen said...

Gobble 'til you wobble
The feast
Let's talk turkey!
Turkey time!
Horn of plenty

Unknown said...

Deliciuos Day

Unknown said...

Pumpkin Passion

Lori said...

So far all I've come up with is "All the Trimmings". Going to keep thinking. :)

Unknown said...


Petra said...

Turkey Or Not Turkey...{That's The Question}

Mel said...

I proposed "Snack Pause"
I thought of that light in the chicken, pizza, and I think but also realize the corn !
Thank you for this chance! I have my fingers crossed, it is my birthday on 1 November ^___^

Tattered Princess Designs said...

Thankful Blessings

GxNut said...

It's Gobble Time

Zahra said...

Love the sneak peek! :)
Gobbleberry Pie
A Slice of Thankfulness

Unknown said...

The ravenous turkey

Valkyrie Designs said...

A turkey on my plate

Cindy said...

A little bird told me..

Miss CS Scrap said...

Fall-tastic Time

Pamela Yates said...

Turkey Thyme

S Westhead said...

Pumpkins 'n' Stuffin'

Thankful Turkey

Turkey Fete

Birdy Banquet

lmjrocko said...

Many Blessings!
Turkey Talk!
Giving Thanks!

Farrah said...

All Gobbled Up!

Stacey said...

Piece of the Thankful pie!

Blessings All Around!

Pam said...

How about Gobbling Goodies

Donna Penn said...

"A Piece of the Pie"

Sharon said...

Talkin' Turkey!...thanks for the chance to win

kimfernald said...

Please Pass the Turkey!

bourriquette said...

turkey day
mom's turkey
happy feast
roasted gobble

Mandie DeMorrow said...

Turkey Time Blessings :)

Sheila Irish said...

Let's Talk Turkey!

Unknown said...

Me I suggest:

Pick a pie!

Arlene said...

Gorgeous! How about...
"Leave Room for Pie". :)

Unknown said...

I suggest:

Pick a pie!

PS said...

Fall Feast... or Fall Festival

Abundant Harvest

Jennifer BC said...

Elastic Waistband
Turkey Coma
Family, Friends and Feasting
My Favorite Feast
Many Blessings

jenltip said...

So cute!
How about....
Turkey Pie
Gobble All About
Horn O Turkey

Cheryl said...

Turkey Lurkey :)

jess said...

Haha elastic waistband!

Timberlyn said...

Turkey Dinner
Happy Turkey Day
Thanksgiving Feast
Cornucopia of Plenty
Fall Frenzy
Turkey, Pie, & Vegetables Oh My!
All the Trimmings
A Slice of Thanksgiving
You Want Pie With That

Janet said...

So cute!

How about

Fixing' to be thankful.

jess said...

Turkey Trot
All the fixin's

The Ridgeways said...

What about "Feast"ivities!

Terri said...

Fall feast
Turkey Day Delights

Janet said...

Make that

Fixin' to be thankful. lol

Cheryl said...

Traditional Feast

VinGirl said...

Pilgrim's Pride :)

Mia-quality said...

yummy autumn

love your kit as well as everything from you ;-)

icajovita said...

Thankfulness turkey

Give Thanks

Anonymous said...

I think youshould Name it "Turkey Dinner"

MRivas said...

Gobble gobble

Promoting The Best said...

"I'm Thankful For..."

"Stuff Me Till I'm Full"

"Thanksgiving Fun"

Hifam said...

I was going to suggest "Fall Festival", "Turkey Lurkey" or "Family, Friends, and Feast", but I see that those have already been suggested. My suggestion is "A Slice of Fall".

Thanks for the great kits!

Tiffany Herklotz said...

Eat, thank, love!

Maca said...

fall in love with you
autumn leaves
Domesticated turkey
all about turkey
autumn time
autumn tradition

Anonymous said...

Counting Blessings

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving Tuckkerific
Turkey tuckker
Tuckker time
Thanks for the chance to win xx kel

EMICK said...

Pumpkins & Plumage

Cheryl, Cassi and Mark said...

Thankful Memories

Michele said...

Bountiful Blessings

Caroline M. said...

Turkey Gobble
A Little Bit of Pumpkin

daisydilly (vicki) said...

Cranberries,Turkey and Pie! Oh my!! A bit long maybe but thats what comes to mind!! Love it

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rae said...

Fall Feast

Unknown said...

"Full of Thanks"

Thank you for the chance to win!

Barbf said...

Everything Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving for Dinner

Unknown said...

Looks amazing as always Kristin!!
"Little blessings"
"Family blessings"
"Berrie blessings"
"Turkey and berries"
"Pass the pie"
"Baking blessings"

Ohh I am so horrible at this hihi, thanks for a chance!! <3

Hugs Natascha

Gina T. said...

Turkey Feast
Thank you for the chance!

Wendy said...

Great ideas!!!!!!!!!! well in english all of you are awesome but maybe something different, like "Grazie" 1000 thank's or We give thanks!


Barb said...

Trimmings and Traditions

Helen said...

Get Your Gobble On!
Makes me hungry just thinking about it... :)

Ellen said...

What a Turkey!

Carolyn L. said...

Happy Harvest

Beautiful kit!

Anonymous said...

Georgianna gvktiger@hotmail.com

"Thank Goodness"

Mommy Me Time Scrapper said...

Turkey Trimmings

Michelle said...

"Don't Worry, Be Thankful"

"Family, Turkey & Football...Oh My!"

"Share Your Blessings"

"Stuffed With Stuffing!"

"Bunch Of Turkeys!"


Terri G. said...

What a cute kit!
"Gratefulness" comes to my mind.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Lilly said...

Turkey in the straw.
Can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

I have ancestors that were at Plymouth Rock so I can't wait to see this new kit. "Tastes of Thanksgiving" seems to be a perfect name for it. Love your wonderful talents! Thanks for all you do! Kathy Simkins

Lynnette said...

Bountiful Blessings

Danesa said...

Gobble me up

Anonymous said...

"Bountiful Blessings"
Debra Herron

nhennis said...

"A Slice of Fall"

Jeannie said...

My suggestion would be "Thanksgiving Blessings".

Jan said...

Looks like a cute kit. My suggestions:

Season Well With Family
Family Season
It's All About Gratitude
The Grateful Season

Melissa said...

Grateful Harvest

SandyPie said...

Just a Taste

I'm not very good at these naming games either, but the kit looks amazing!!

Jlynn said...

I Gobbled it ALL!

JenniferL said...

How about: A Grateful Heart I can't wait to see the full kit!!

The Zandarski Family said...

All the Fixins (Fixins'?)

Sandy Groscup said...

Thankful to Pieces

The Zandarski Family said...

All the Fixins (Fixins'?)

Sara said...

Gobble Gobble

Angelbugaboo said...

"Fine Family Feast"

"a reason to come home..."

Patio said...

"Autumn's Palette"

Meissner said...

Turkey Time.

Meissner said...

Pass the stuffing.

Keela said...

Well, the first thing that came to me was that's an American Thanksgiving! :) So..."American Thanksgiving".

Christy said...

Your peek makes me so excited for Thanksgiving!!!!

My suggestions:
Oh My Pies!

Kat said...

Winner, Winner, Turkey Dinner!

Brooke said...

How about Turkaholic
Thanks for the chance.
Your work is awesome

Unknown said...

How about...
Food Glorious Food

Sis Jenn Maddox said...

Thankful for Turkey Day
Lovn me Sum Turkey
Turkey Day
Stuffed Blessings
Gobble gobble
A Fall Feast

Unknown said...

Family Blessings
thanks for the chance to win

SharonKay said...

Lotta Gobble

Unknown said...

Turkey and Mashed Potatoes

Unknown said...

or Turkey and Taters :)

Lynette said...

"Dishing Thanks"
"Turkilishious Time"
"Give thanks"
"Family Gobble"
"Waddles Up!"

Unknown said...

"We Gather Together"

Patty said...

Turkey Tummy Teasers

Dianna said...

Run, Turkey, Run!
Terrified Turkey
Turkey and Blessings
Turkey Treasures
Thankful Harvest
Turkey and All the Trimmings
Thanksgiving Harvest
Dinner with Tom Turkey

That poor little turkey is so darn cute and looks so scared! I just had to include him in the names. Love the kit! Thanks for the chance to win!

R2P2 said...

Gobble It Up!
A Bountiful Spread
Thankful, Grateful And Just Full

JodieMae said...

Yummy Yummy Turkey in my Tummy

laralasvegas said...

Harvesting Thanks
Fall, families and feasts
Plate o' plenty
Fall on good times

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin,
Here is my suggestion..

"Bountiful Harvest"


Jennie P. said...

I'd call it "I'm Stuffed!" because every Thanksgiving that's what I say. Ha! Also, the turkey's stuffed as well so it fits.
A couple of other names I'm thinking of are:
That's Just Gravy
Turkey Tracks
Plump Pilgrims

Unknown said...

I see a few suggestions were ones I was thinking of too, lol

The kit looks yummy!!!!

Happy Harvest
Come to Dinner
Who's cooking the Bird?

Thanks for the chance to win :)

Tammy said...

"Gobble it Up"

blah said...

Turkey Temptations

Lori D Harach said...

turkey lurkey - 1st thing that popped in my head when i saw the preview. i believe it is a remnant from my childhood.

Diane said...

Gobble Up Fall

Potatoejam said...

Hand me a leg
Bust my pants
Pumpkin Pie Party

Jamie Novey said...

Thanksgiving Memories
Harvest Time
Harvest Blessings

Anonymous said...

Let's talk Turkey
Turkey Talk

Angi W said...

How about Turkeylicious? Thanks!

Gardner said...

Gobble til ya Wobble!

Jeremy Parks said...

Gobble it up!

Lisa Linn said...

Gobble Gobble 'Til We Wobble
Turkey Lurkey
Please pass the Turkey

sugirox said...

If you are thankful and you know it

may said...

Talkin' Turkey
Turkey Tales
Thanksgiving Cutees
Turkey Train

Jennika said...

Count your blessings!

I love the turkey!
He says...eat more ham!

mnJenL said...

love as usual! how about "Turkey Talk"

Deb said...

Turkey Lurkey

Beverly said...

Gathering Around the Turkey

Table Blessings

The Oven is Hot!

A Whole Lot of Blessings

Did you say, Turkey?

we Count Our Blessings

Stuff Us Up!

Turkey - Licious Blessings

BoeBoe said...

A-Maizeing Grace


Elastic Waistband

Thanks, I'm FULL

Anonymous said...

What about "Share a Slice" if it's food related? You have so many good ideas, I bet it'll be hard to pick just one name! :)

Jen Moody said...

Wow - you've got SO many great ideas. Here's a few that weren't said (I searched the comments to be sure, lol) :D

I'm So Stuffed
Oh So Stuffed
I Like Pie (something my hubby would say, lol)
Autumn Harvest
Let's Eat
Let's Dig In

me said...

Deliciuos Turkey
Turkey Delicious
eat pray and love
Let's eat

Amie Lambert-Gaudet said...

My idea for the kit's name is:

It looks terrific. I can't wait to own it. We celebrated Thanksgiving here in Canada a couple weeks ago and this would be great to use to scrap the pictures we took, especially since it was my Granddaughter's First Thanksgiving.

Puya said...

Clurkey Clurk The Turkey

Locksley Girl said...

Falling For Food

kastagnette said...

My suggestion "crazy cooker"

tocayenne said...

Nous célébrons la dinde !!!

we celebrate the turkey !!!

Rose said...

Wow you have lots to choose from! How about simply "Thank-full"? Lol!!

Nettl said...

"Happy Harvest Time!"
"Funny Turkey"
"The turkey's going to the party"

Nadia said...

I like to have the same first letters so :
Fall-ing into Feast
Fantabulous Feast
Famous Fall Feast
Fantastic/Fabulous Feast
or Terrific Taste of Turkey

Theresa DuBois said...

Perty Punkin
Fabulous Feasting
Family Fall Feasting
Giving Thanks
Turkey or Ham?
Gobble gobble,scrapple scrapple
Pass the turkey please
Good gravy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win!
My suggestions:

Turkey Time

Days of November

Seasoned with Love

Cranberry Sparkle

Be Thankful

Thanks again, from deborah

Becky Moore said...

A Slice of Thanksgiving
Gobble Till You Wobble

Kathleen said...

Gobbe It Up!

Lis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lis said...

My suggestion:
Delicious Thanksgiving treats

Donna said...

Lets Talk Turkey or Thankfully Yours

Amy said...

Thankful Tom

Unknown said...

How about...
A Taste Of Thanksgiving

wahoolady said...

Wow you guys are so creative. The only thing I could think of was "Eat Mor Turkey" - guess I've seen too many Chick-fil-A ads!

Unknown said...

Wow, such fabulous suggestions so far!!! Here is mine:

"Flavorful Fall"
"Fall Flavors"
"Flavors of Fall"

Thank you for this amazing opportunity! :)

Candi in Colorado

katkreations said...

thankful for stretchy pants

Anonymous said...

I didnt read all the comments so not sure if these are taken already
Thanksgiving Feast
Fall or Feast


Unknown said...

How about...
A Thanksgiving To Remember

artsinhand said...

The first things that popped into my mind are Gobblicious or Turkey Fever.

Brooke said...

I had posted these on your facebook til I noticed said post on your blog

Gobble Til Ya Wobble
Let's Talk Turkey
Get Stuffed
Don'cha Wish Your Turkey Was Hot Like Me

Sharon said...

Gobble up Fall :)

Anonymous said...

Turkey Table!

jcobb said...


Kimberly M. said...

How about "All for Fall" , "Give Thanks for Fall" or "Falling for Fall."

Lenka said...

It´s all about turkey!

Helen Smith said...

Looks great:

No One Diets on Thanksgiving
May your turkey be plump
We are Thankful for…

Mom of 7 said...

Festive Feast!

Ma Altoastral said...

I bet on
"Turkeyish Delight"
Thanks for the chance!

RBD said...

Well, I was going to say, "Gobble Gobble" but you already have one called that, lol!

How about:
Gratitude & Gravy
Gravy Train
It's All Gravy (you said you love gravy!)
Cranberry Blessings
Yes, Ya'am! (like "yes, ma'am"???)

I think that's all, lol. :)

Jan said...

Thanks Gobble Gobble

Anonymous said...




SammySSS said...

How about Gobble-icious?

SoftlyFalling said...

First thing that came to mind: So Thankful

Thanks for the chance to win and can't wait to see the whole kit!

Unknown said...

How about...
Heartfelt Thanksgiving

Unknown said...

How about...
A Perfect Thanksgiving

Anna said...

"Thanks a million"

Josie Pimenova said...

I Thank You
Long Day, Full Belly!

Lisa P. said...

Gobbles 'n Bits

Anonymous said...

"Stuff It" :D

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patricia said...

My suggestion

"Thanksgiving Wishes"

Anonymous said...

Maybe something cute and silly like "Gobble Gobble" or "Feeling Stuffed" or "Turkeyed Out."

Thanks for the chance to win this awesome kit!

Unknown said...

Over the River