Tuesday, November 22, 2016

50% off Wednesday Only!

It's time for our Something Old Something New Wednesday only, 50% off sale at the Lilypad. I've got four oldies but goodies in this week's sale (and a freebie too)! Click on the images to see the products in the store.





I'm bringing back a mini that was a freebie during the Scrap Orchard Advent Event in 2012. It hasn't been available since then. I hope you enjoy it! You can download it HERE.



1. Anonymous said...

Beautiful Thank you

2. sherry said...

Love this !!! Thank you :)

3. Anonymous said...

Awesome! Thank you so much!

4. Crystalnva said...

THANK YOU :) bunches for sharing this beautiful kit :)

5. sashasmommy said...

This is so cute! Thank you so much!

6. Unknown said...

Love this wonderful kit!
Thank you ever so much for sharing it.

7. angelapercaso said...

grazie molte