Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Haunted Halloween Sneak Peek

Are you ready for some Halloween cuties?? I have a brand new digital scrapook kit releasing October 10th called Haunted Halloween. Leave a comment letting me know you want a chance to win a free copy, HERE on my blog by 4 pm (EST) on Wednesday, October 10th.  I’ll be gifting a free copy to one random commenter when Haunted Halloween is released! Good luck!  **Edited: This contest is closed. Please check the October 9th Post for the results! Thanks to everyone who participated!!**


Also, don't forget, there are only a couple more days to take advantage of my Digital Scrapbook Collboration Kit Retirement Sale.  Some of my portions of these kits may be available at a later date. However, this is your last chance to pick up 20 collaboration items as a full and complete collaboration products/kits.  All of my retiring collabs are 50% off through October 12th, so don’t miss them! You can see all of my retiring collaboration products HERE in my store.


Unknown said...

OMG! They look so cute! Would love a chance to win. Thanks!!

Cortny Dawn said...

I am in Love with this!! Love the little witch!

Brittney said...

LOVE this!! Everything looks so cute, can't wait to see the rest. Thanks so much for the chance!

Jess said...

I would love this!!!

Yop said...

Everything looks wonderfull, I love the bats

Unknown said...

Очень интересный набор- спасибо что вы так добры и делитесь с нами! Мечтаю получить в подарок этот набор! моя почта mila808@mail.ru

Lithium Flower said...

Aww this looks super adorable Kristin!
I'd LOVE a chance to win this one :)
Thank you!
Hugs Lithy

catschwartz said...

I love the little characters! Thanks for the chance.

kimfernald said...

Love this sneak peek! Thanks for the chance to win!

Marg A said...

Love it!!! I would love to win :). Thanks for the chance

michelle said...

OMG SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Cute!!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Anonymous said...

Love the kit! Thanks for the chance to win it! I love your blue bird, by the way!

Judith said...

You are so good at what you do! Thanks for the chance.

Pamela said...

LOVE this! Definitely a must have! :)

Loki3152 said...

Ohhhh so cute!!! I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

Princess Sassafrass said...

You design the best kits!!

meagan43 said...

Love me some Halloween, would love a chance to win

Caroline said...

Would love to win this!

Jennifer BC said...

Looks adorable!!!

Milnie said...

Oh I love halloween kits and I'm huge fan of you so it's the perfect combination; I would love to win!

Annet said...

I love Halloween! Can't wait to start scrapping those photos :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Alyce Anne said...

Your kits are always so cute!

Unknown said...

SOO CUTE! One day I am going to win one of these, until then I will keep buying them!

Anonymous said...

I want to win! Looks so cute! Misty Adams

Glamorous Nails said...


Timberlyn said...

Another amazing kit... Thank you for the chance to win...

Ana Peres said...

Love it, love, love!!!

CindyM said...

OMG--that mummy and vampire are too cute! I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance!

Alison said...

I love your Halloween kits (well, I <3 most all of your kits!)...

pitcherbrandi said...

Adorable! Can't wait to add it to my collection.

Настасья said...

What wonderful monsters)

Maca said...

Wooow, looks so very cute, love it! Thank you for a chance to win.

Leslie said...

I love your style Kristin!

lawyerlyn said...

this is so cute! thanks for the chance to win!

Piccolina Designs said...

This looks so adorable. Thanks for a chance at it.

Unknown said...

Looks awesome!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

Zin from the Alps said...

It's hard to choose which one is cuter, I love owls, so I'd say owl is the cutest, but then there is that bat! :) So adorable, and the witch, and the count Dracula - super cute spook-tacular! Love them all, oh no! Almost forgot that darling ghost! Love them all! Thanks for the chance, keeping fingers crossed just in case, I know chances are slim, there are a lot of us jumping up and down and hoping it's them, good luck to all of you!

Moon Lightless said...

Wow ! Everything is so so so so lovely,I want this kit so much. Thanks a lot for the chance

Anonymous said...

Too cute~ Thanks for the chance to win

Leslie P

Lori D Harach said...

Oh my - the sneak peak is TOO cute! I can't wait to see the whole kit. ♥

Brenda said...

So cute! Would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

Lucy said...

Would love a chance to win. I love Halloween and your kit looks amazing!

Tracy said...

Awesome kit. Thanks for the chance to win!

Brooke said...

Oh your kits are the cutest and with halloween being my fave it would be a match made in heaven lol. Thanks for the chance.

TwoTinyTurtles said...

Too cute! Love that witch! Thanks for the chance to win! :-)

Donna Penn said...

Super cute kit! Thanks for the chance to win!

The Ridgeways said...

You are so talented! LOVE it! Thans for the chance, I will be crossing my fingers and toes hoping it is me!

antonia said...

es un kit muy gracioso, gracias por la oportunidad

SharonKay said...

Oh what a darling kit! Thanks for the chance. Love your kits so much.

lmjrocko said...

Way too cute!

Terri G said...

Would love to win this kit! You do such awesome work on your kits and this Halloween one looks super cute! Thanks!

Darlene said...

It is just 2 cute!

natalie said...

Love this!!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Vanessa @ Fangirl Faction said...

OMG, this is too cute! I can't wait to see the whole kit! Thanks for the opportunity to win! =D

andastra said...

Wow, what a gorgeous kit!! I love what I can see! Thank you so much for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Haces un excelente trabajo, realmente hermoso!!!!!!!

Sandy said...

So cute (as usual). Thanks for the chance to win!

Lana said...

Looks like a very cute kit that would be fun to play with. Thanks for the chance.


Kait said...

One of the best Halloween-themed kits I have seen in a while! Thanks for the chance to win.

PS said...

This looks so cute (and awesome!); Thanks so much for the chance to win it!

lwentkie said...

I'm loving that mummy! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

love the witch! love them all really. :) thank you for the chance to win!

Christy said...

oh my goodness I adore your work and this looks soooo very cute I would LOVE to win this Halloween kit

Scrappin Gramma said...

omgosh how cute is this--that witch is fabulous thanks for the chance

Lisa aka ravenbyrd aka Zmisco said...

Thank you for a chance to win this cute kit!

Jamie said...

Ridiculously cute!! Thanks for the chance =)

Grace said...

I love all the little characters!! Thanks for the chance!

Gracie said...

Please can I have a chance to win :)

Sophie said...

I want it!! I want it!! I want it!!! LOL
Thanks for the chance!!!!

Debbie said...

OH MY GOSH!! Win or loose, I'm getting this! I have ALL your other ones! Thanks for the chance!

Lorry said...

super cute! Would love to win! :)


Amazing kit! Thanks for the chance!

DarlaR said...

What a cute kit!!!

Unknown said...

Love. And will be buying it if I don't win it. :)

wahoolady said...

Too cute, loving that little mummy!

Melinda said...

Adorable monsters! thanks for the chance to win the kit!

Mommyeyedr said...

What a cute kit! Love those characters. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

Would love this!!!

Vicky said...

The kit looks cute as usual. Thank you for the chance to win.

ThommieJ said...

Kit looks adorable! Thanks for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I can never get enough Halloween kits!

Sheila Irish said...

Kristin, you really had created another absolutely adorable kit! Thank you for the chance to win a copy....

Michele said...

I'm sure this will be fantastic just like all your other kits! Can't wait to see it and would love to win it!
Thanks for the chance!

mja said...

Halloween cuties ... luv them!

Lori said...

Boo! Looks adorable...thanks for a chance to win!

Lisa said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I love this!!

Unknown said...

I love this kit and would love to have it because it is so stinkin' cute that I could create some "smokin" pages with it. Thanks for the chance to win. :D

Trina said...

Super cute kit, love the little witch and mummy.

Carolyn L. said...

So cute, I would love to win this...thank you!

Deb said...

Totally adorable!

Alyna said...

I absolutely love your Halloween kits! Thanks for the chance to win this one!

Audra said...

Super Cute as always thanks for the chance to win!

Blonde Valor said...

An adult chance to trick or treat! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jenn Graham said...

I love the kit...so cute!

Crafty Cathy said...

Love your bubbly, drippy cauldron! I always enjoy your kits - looking forward to the unveiling!

kris with a k said...

your halloween kits are the BEST!!

Melinda AKA medialady said...

Your new Halloween kit is AWESOME and I would love to win!!!117

Yanina said...

Love all your kits! This one looks awesome. Thanks for the chance to win.

Patty said...

Absolutely ADORABLE....as always! :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Kristin said...

Entry for Susan Mayer. :)

Barbara said...

These are adorable - would love to be the winner.

Potatoejam said...

looking very spooktacular

Potatoejam said...

Looking very spooktacular

CoffeeGurl said...

Oh wow... super cuteness! Thx heaps and bunches for the chance!! ^..^

Mónica González said...

I love the little characters! Thanks for the chance.

Mónica González said...

I love the little characters! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin - I'm in love with your sneak peek! lol Halloween is my favorite time for making tags, even more than Christmas. That is, until Christmas gets here! LOL Thanks for the chance to win your darling kit!


mbechtloff said...

I still can't believe I won the last one. This halloween kit looks super duper cute.
thanks for doing such a great job!

k.i.s.s.es said...


Carol said...

Oh my gosh. This looks so cute. thanks for the chance to win.

Kan Violen said...

I would love this!!!

Whippy said...

Oh my I was hoping you were gonna have a halloween kit !!

diney said...

So adorable! I don't know how you keep coming up with more goodies each year. Thanks for the chance to win!

Maria Rachel Hooley said...

Looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to win.

maddy1 said...

Looks so cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

Deb said...

Such a cute kit. Would love to win it. Thanks for the chance.

qthunder said...

How adorable, Thank you so much for the chance to win :)

Andrea said...

TOO CUTE!!! Thanks for this chance to in!

lisar said...

oh no, these are just too cute! i would love a chance to win! thank you!

Liz said...

Looks like it is a cute kit!! I would love a chance to win it. Thank you!

Vicki said...

Thanks for the chance to win Haunted Halloween!

mnJenL said...

Always love your characters and animals! The bat is so adorable, I may need this kit just for that! :) Thanks for a chance to win!

Lis said...

Cute characters, love it! Thanks for the chance to win.

elaov said...

So adorable! Just love all your kits!

rmdusell said...

So cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

Mrs Quinn said...

Your work is beautiful. Thank you!

Donna said...

This is adorable....Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Heidi N. said...

Looks like fun! Thanks for the chance to win!

bettybuh said...

oh sooo cute.........as always :)

Amy said...

I LOVE everything you do! I just made the cutest "Thanks A Ton!" card for our town's highway dept. using the dump truck from your Construction Zone kit!!! Would love to win this Halloween Kit too!

Kathy Lynn said...

Looks incredibly adorable...as are all your kits. Can't wait to see the full reveal!

Kathy Lynn said...

Looks incredibly adorable...just like all of your kits :o) Can't wait for the full reveal!

Ashbaugh's said...

Excited to see the full reveal. :) Could definitely use a Halloween kit. Thanks for the chance.

Chris B. said...

Adorable as usual. Thanks for the chance to win.

Alfie said...

Look so cute :)

Heather Wong said...

Love Love Love! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Gala said...

Обожаю этот праздник! Чудесные страшилки и приведения-яркие,красочные и веселые! Спасибо за шанс выиграть!

Missy said...

Looks amazing :)

Christy and Kevin said...

wow super cute! hope i win

Becs said...

Would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!